Microsoft Dynamic Portals

MS Dynamics CRM

Microsoft Dynamic Portals

Microsoft have added Portal Add-on for every trial D365 instance. Before ADX studio were providing these web portal capabilities but now different types of portals are available in the D365 application. It has also added new web portal capabilities for Dynamic 365 V9.0 users.

The purpose of the web portals is to provide flexible features to the end users with greater satisfaction. Portal are capable to integrate external website platform to CRM and you can also extend your CRM to the web for external audience.

And, the best part is that you can customize the out of the box templates to suit your business needs.

Microsoft Portal Products for Dynamics 365 (CRM)

Note: Adxstudio Portals is no longer commercially available, Support end on Aug 1 2018

 Let us discuss in brief.

1) Adx Studio Portals: Adxstudio is the leading provider of web portals, built its products on top of the cloud-based Microsoft Dynamic CRM offering, SharePoint and .NET platforms.

It is seventeen-years-old small company based in Canada, but runs an office in Redmond and is, in part, staffed by ex-Microsoft employees.

 Afterwards Microsoft has purchased “Key technology and product assest” from Adxstudio in September 2015.

From May 2016 ver release, the two products are distinguished by these version numbers.

  • Adxstudio Portals ver 7.x and earlier
  • Portal Capabilities for Microsoft Dynamics D365 Or Microsoft Dynamic CRM Online 2016

  till then Microsoft made a lot of changes on the product.

Some useful links for Adxstudio Portals:

Adxstudio supportability

 Adxstudio community 

2) Dynamic 365 Portals:  Dynamic CRM custom portals is a Saas (Microsoft hosted) portal add-on deployment running ver 8.x or higher (starting with CRM 2016 update 1 and above) are officially supported by Microsoft.

Microsoft host the portal on Azure Web Application, D365 portals provides your audience an online location to communicate and collaborate.

 If you have at Dynamic 365 portal Enterprise subscription already, then you likely have at least one Dynamics 365 license at the ready. 

Some useful links for Portal Capabilities for Microsoft Dynamics 365:

Portal Capabilities Update

Using Portal Capabilities in D365

 3) Source Code Release: In Sep 2017 Microsoft released the source code for Dynamic 365 – Portals. The source code is released under an MIT license which is a very permissive popular open source license. 

This source code distribution will enable customers to customize the code that is used to run their portal and will support both Dynamics 365 online and on-premise deployments.  The source code is released as a one-time distribution with no plans on updating it, and it is offered as an as-is sample with no support.

 Useful links for open source: 

 Source code

 Hope it helps :)
