
Best coding practices

By Ankit
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C#1) Variable names should begin from small letter and should follow Camel-Casing structure. For example: count, totalAmount, todaysDate and so on.   2) Every function name must have a meaningful name and must contain function description as comment before initializing the function. For example

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Azure Pipelines

By Ankit
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Automate your builds and deployments with a CI/CD service called Azure Pipelines CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment is a service that enables developers continuously build, test and deploy any type of application to any kind of platform. Every month, you can use o

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MS Dynamics CRM

Microsoft Dynamic Portals

By Ankit
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Microsoft have added Portal Add-on for every trial D365 instance. Before ADX studio were providing these web portal capabilities but now different types of portals are available in the D365 application. It has also added new web portal capabilities for Dynamic 365 V9.0 users. The purpose of the web

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Benefits of Human Resource Management System

By Harshit
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A human resource department is always required to create and manage administrative responsibilities to promote the growth of both employees and the organization growth. Indeed, there are many critical points and key areas that human resources want to perform. If we list them, the list continues as P

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||प्रभु पतित पावन-स्तुति||

By Ankit
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प्रभु पतित-पावन मैं अपावन, चरण आयो सरन जी |यो विरद आप निहार स्वामी, मेटो जामन मरन जी ||१||तुम ना पिछान्या आन मान्या, देव विविध प्रकार जी |या बुद्धि सेती निज न जान्यो, भ्रम गिन्या हितकार जी ||२||भव-विकट-वन में कर्म-वैरी, ज्ञानधन मेरो हर्यो |सब इष्ट भूल्यो भ्रष्ट होय, अनिष्ट-गति धरतो फिर्यो ||३||धन घड

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