Best & Fast Resource Management System

Meet workcentre. The simple, intuitive and powerful portal to manage your work. Explore portal of the next generation for free and become a part of community of like-minded members.

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About Us

We blieve in helping pepole pay attention to what matters

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  • User Experience

    Skilled professionals are always ready to provide reliable services to our clients!

  • Complex B2B Solution

    Branches are situated in major metro cities and overseas, always open for you!

About Us!

Our Working process

Frolsket leverages its team's expertise in architecting and development at the top technology firms to create custom products and solutions tailored to your needs

Project Research

Today, over 150,000 companies trust our software to run their business. We believe it’s just the beginning...

Project demostration

The Workcentre support team is responsive and helpful if you need help.

Development & delivery

We didn't provide a system whereby you felt like you had to be a programmer to maintain your people processes. WorkCentre makes life simple.

Project: onepage

Intuitive, simple to use and effective for managing the 'people basics' of the organisation.

Project: business

All of our products live up to this promise and are backed by our world-class support. And the best part is, you don’t have to break the bank to get them working.

Project : Marketing

Whether your company is big or small, growing fast or struggling to keep up with demand, WorkCentre has a superb, cost-effective business solution for you

Work collaboratively and get more done!

Workcentre from Frolsket

Workcentre HRMS, client and project management solutions enable you to organize and prioritize your projects in a fun, flexible and rewarding way.

At Frolsket, we believe your business deserves better software - software that’s ready to go, easy to setup and use, and requires minimal customization.

  • HR with payroll
  • Time & Attendance
  • Recruitment & On-boarding
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Asset Management
  • Organisation Policies